Last week, I got pulled through the wringer by a clueless lady who was deeply hurt by the fact that a video I did for a church celebration didn’t include her family, even though they’ve been here for years and years and years. I apologized a hundred times, even saying I was sorry I’d failed her (which she sniffed her nose at), and then she finally said it was ok. [side note: No, it wasn’t ok. If it had been ok, you wouldn’t have brought it up!]
This week is “decorate the church for Christmas” week. As plans were discussed to decorate the gym, someone said that it wasn’t necessary, because their group wouldn’t be using the gym this month, ignoring the fact that our kids and Spanish service would both be in the gym this month (little known fact: kids and Spanish-speakers like pretty lights, too).
As a myriad of events are taking place this month, I’ve received a myriad of complaints. “Why wasn’t my event [which was meant for about 10 people] advertized?” “How come that event was pushed instead of mine?” “Why do they get to use that room on the night I want to use it? My group has been here longer than theirs!”
Why, instead of becoming so attached to our own little pet projects, and to seeing them come to fruition exactly as we think they should, can’t we let go a little bit, see beyond our own noses, and do something for the benefit of others, even if it means that I don’t get to do things precisely as I want? Why not act as peacemakers, and extend goodwill to all who cross our path?
It would sure lift a burden off my shoulders. And maybe actually reflect Christ.
Hey, why wasn't the fact that I need money for Ecudor advertised this week?