Sunday, November 15, 2009

send me to ecuador--buy a scarf!

this weekend i made about $250, just by selling sets of hats and scarves that i've crocheted. and this is so nice, because it means i'm on my way to ecuador! only $950 more to go by July!

i hate asking for money, even to go on mission trips (a great cause, right?). so i've found a way to make it more honorable:

i invest my own time and money into making pretty winter-wear, and any profits i make from their sales go directly into my missions savings (a separate account at DFCU), not into buying new yarn. i've also invested money in buying jewelry from ecuador and costa rica, and the profits from selling those also go towards my trip.

so, anyone want to take a look at what i've got, or special order a certain color? it's $10 for one item, or $15 for two. high quality and hand made. sounds pretty reasonable to me!

I've Moved

so, i had to keep logging out of gmail to get to my former blog, which was a blogspot registered under my yahoo email, and it wouldn't, for some reason, let me switch over my main email address (i've been trying to figure that out for months). and that little bit of extra work was what kept me from being more active than i have been (in other words, absolutely no activity at all).

so, i've moved over, making it easier to remember (who cares about transliterated greek phrases you've made up that are supposed to be highly significant, unless you're still in Bible college?) and hopefully, easier to keep up with.

check out my former posts here:

and check back in a month or two. i'll surely have posted something by then. :)