Saturday, October 23, 2010

SarahsBusyHands on

I've been busy.
All proceeds go towards missions efforts in Ecuador.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chile Turned 200 Years Old, and I Baked to Celebrate

Brazo de Reina

Plum Kuchen

Bolitas de Coco

Friday, September 10, 2010

Graphic Arts

So, I've talked about taking some graphic designs classes but have been way too lazy to actually enroll at a place of higher learning.  Or maybe swing dancing has just taken up all my time.

Anyway, I still am involved in creating graphics.  I'm especially proud of my latest:

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bones--in Downey?

I know there are a lot of hardware/home stores in the LA area, but did anyone else think they recognized Downey's All American Home Center in season 5, episode 8, called, "The Foot in the Foreclosure"?  They renamed it "PriceCo".

Sarah, to the Rescue!


Super easy recipe to save your last minute Christmas parties, or to help your sanity in December.  It will require a trip to the store, which may not be too pleasant, but if you're headed there already, you might as well pick up the ingredients.

Rolo Rafts  (titled so by Denise Wallace)
Rolos (one bag yields about 56; Target had them at $2.50 this week)
Pretzels (mini or snaps, just have to be small)
Pecan Halves

Place Rolo on pretzel on sheet pan (they can be about 1 inch apart).
Place in 350° oven for 7-10 minutes, until melty.  The longer they're in, the chewey-er the caramel will get.
Pull out of oven and use the pecan to smoosh down the Rolo.
Let cool and serve.

The two parties I've taken Rolo Rafts to have devoured them!  The people, that is; the parties themselves did not.

If you go to the Memories class Christmas party this Monday, or come to our house for the Pierced Christmas party on the 19th, you'll get to try some!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Peace on Earth—Goodwill toward Men?

 What is it about this season that seems to bring out the worst in people?

Last week, I got pulled through the wringer by a clueless lady who was deeply hurt by the fact that a video I did for a church celebration didn’t include her family, even though they’ve been here for years and years and years. I apologized a hundred times, even saying I was sorry I’d failed her (which she sniffed her nose at), and then she finally said it was ok. [side note: No, it wasn’t ok. If it had been ok, you wouldn’t have brought it up!]

This week is “decorate the church for Christmas” week. As plans were discussed to decorate the gym, someone said that it wasn’t necessary, because their group wouldn’t be using the gym this month, ignoring the fact that our kids and Spanish service would both be in the gym this month (little known fact: kids and Spanish-speakers like pretty lights, too).

As a myriad of events are taking place this month, I’ve received a myriad of complaints. “Why wasn’t my event [which was meant for about 10 people] advertized?” “How come that event was pushed instead of mine?” “Why do they get to use that room on the night I want to use it? My group has been here longer than theirs!”

Why, instead of becoming so attached to our own little pet projects, and to seeing them come to fruition exactly as we think they should, can’t we let go a little bit, see beyond our own noses, and do something for the benefit of others, even if it means that I don’t get to do things precisely as I want? Why not act as peacemakers, and extend goodwill to all who cross our path?

It would sure lift a burden off my shoulders. And maybe actually reflect Christ.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

send me to ecuador--buy a scarf!

this weekend i made about $250, just by selling sets of hats and scarves that i've crocheted. and this is so nice, because it means i'm on my way to ecuador! only $950 more to go by July!

i hate asking for money, even to go on mission trips (a great cause, right?). so i've found a way to make it more honorable:

i invest my own time and money into making pretty winter-wear, and any profits i make from their sales go directly into my missions savings (a separate account at DFCU), not into buying new yarn. i've also invested money in buying jewelry from ecuador and costa rica, and the profits from selling those also go towards my trip.

so, anyone want to take a look at what i've got, or special order a certain color? it's $10 for one item, or $15 for two. high quality and hand made. sounds pretty reasonable to me!